1. Safety - don't walk out alone at night, especially on the beach.
2. Water - don't drink the water. Bottled water only.
3. Toilet paper - the plumbing does not handle it so put it in the garbage next to the toilet.
What we found out:
1. This is the hottest time of the year in Ecuador. Today it was 38 degrees and the clothes have been hanging on the line all day and are still not quite dry because of the humidity! The rainy season is a month late and everything is dry, even the cactus are dying. The sun is intense. We plaster ourselves with sunscreen (me and Lisa) and take umbrellas and water with us wherever we go. Lisa has been suffering from water anxiety and has 2 bottles strapped to her at all times. ha ha
2. The power here has different strengths at different times of the day. Sometimes the fan works pretty good, other times hardly moves.
3. The people are the best part of Ecuador. There are lots children and they are adorable! Everyone is very friendly and they say buenos dias to us when we are out and about.
4. Animals - all the animals roam free, dogs, cats, chickens, pigs. The pigs and the chickens get fed but the cats and dogs fend for themselves.
5. Garbage - is everywhere. Although they have started recycling plastic - better than nothing.
Our room in Playas.
Baby iguana outside our door - how cute!
We were invited to a delicious dinner after the meeting. This is Rolando and Rosemarie's B&B. We are thinking of coming back later on for a visit, maybe just before we return to Canada. The couple seated across from Greg are from Minnesota and have been in Playas for two months. He gave the public talk and they have only been in Spanish for about a year! They are going to tour and see other parts of Ecuador for their last two weeks here.