The main town close to where we stayed was Puerto Lopez, a fishing town and you know fishing is the main employment by the smell. We were down at the beach one morning and the fishermen were gutting and cutting up their catch from the night before.
Fishermen cutting up swordfish. Do you notice the man showing off his belly. If men have big bellies they are worth showing off! You see this a lot here in Ecuador, men with their shirts up showing and patting their big stomachs, ha ha.
The fishermen caught a whole school of small hammerhead sharks. Weird fish - look at the eyes on the outside of each "hammer".
Huge manta ray.
The local taxis were like motorcycle rickshaws.
Typical street in an Ecuadorian town -- always construction happening somewhere.
On the way back to Cuenca we decided to hire a driving service to Guayaquil to save time and 2 buses. Big mistake. This guy was the worst driver ever. Not only was he breaking all along the way for no reason, but he could not keep the gas pedal steady like a normal driver, he was constantly pumping the gas pedal, up and down, making us speed up and slow down, even on the main highways. Lisa was feeling very nauseated and wanted to either throw up on him or strangle him, ha ha. Along the way we got delayed by a parade. They blocked the main road and there was no way around it (we tried) so we ended up being in the parade for 10 minutes or so - another first for us, ha ha. After 3 hours of enduring this terrible car ride and wishing we had taken the bus, we arrived in Guayaquil and guess what - the driver didn't know where the terminal was! He stopped and asked direction but he was in no way qualified to drive in the city traffic. Somehow we made it there. What a relief! We got the bus to Cuenca around 3:30. Not a good one. We sat close to the back and it had the strong smell of a urinal. Half an hour from Cuenca the bus stopped. We sat there for a whole hour - road construction. People on the bus started playing their own music - we had 3 different songs going on at the same time plus a crying baby in front of us. We gave her some Oreo cookies and that seemed to help for awhile. We were never so happy to get back to our apt.
We were in an Ecuadorian parade. They are always parading for some reason so it had to happen eventually.
The fish were interesting. Did you try any of it? The car ride sounds horrible. Maybe you should have walked through the parade.:) Lisa could have danced. When are you leaving for Canada?
It was so nice meeting you! Thank you for visiting our blog ~ I'm glad we have yours now so we can follow you!! Enjoy the remainder of your time here!
Your hermanos,
A.J. and Jordanne Gabre
Narancay congregation (for now)
Cleveland, Ohio (come August)
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