When I ordered papas (potatoes or fries) they asked if I wanted Salchipapas. I thought maybe it was some sort of sauce (like ketchup) so said ok. It turned out not to be sauce but a deep fried wiener.
Salchipapas - deep fried hot dog with fries.
The food in Ecuador can only be described as the good, the bad and the ugly. First the good ...
Our favorite cafe.
Special almuerso - filet mignon, whipped potatoes, veg, wine and dessert - $7.50 ... delicious.
The bad ...
Anyone for a cone of coloured meringue that's been in the sun all day? Yum!
Street food - your guess is as good as ours as to which parts of the animal they use.
And the ugly ...
These snails on the sidewalk are sold to cure arthritis. Not sure if you eat them or what?
Yummy piggy for lunch.
Lost in translation. On this menu, among other things, was "one dry male goat" and "I suck of fish". (We didn't order that, ha ha).
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You captured the food presentations very well. Did you like the Salchipapas? Some of the Brothers took Dave for Salchipapas after service one morning. He really liked them. What about the Cuy? Have you tried them yet? You really need to try them before you come home.
Dave & linda
Hi guys
I ate the Salchi part and I would not eat them again.
I hear the weathers nice up there, enjoy!
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