Every country has its customs and ways that make it unique. Our intention here is not to make fun of the Ecuadorian people, but to share some of the differences in culture with you.
You know your turning into an Ecuadorian when...
You feel cold when the temperature dips below 18 Celsius and walk around with a down parka and scarf.
You don't wait for the bus to stop completely, you just jump off.
You have to shake hands with or kiss (women) everyone who enters a room, including your parents.
You eat your entire meal with a tablespoon.
You think that $2.25 is too much for lunch at a restaurant (including soup, juice, main course and dessert)...when you can pay $2.00 down the road.
You drive with your lights off at night to save gas and the battery.
You drive on the wrong side of the road because its paved better.
You go to the store to buy 2 aspirins and 1 garbage bag.
Your let your dog take itself for a walk.
You ignore your home or car alarm and let it go off for hours.
You play volleyball with a soccer ball and a 10 foot high net. (Ecuabally-second only to soccer in popularity)
You become accustomed to risking your life every time you have to cross the road.
And finally, despite all this, you have no desire at all to leave Ecuador because its one of the nicest places on Earth!
So very true - especially about crossing the roads - made even harder when you are from NZ and used to the traffic going the other way!
I WANT TO COME!!! boo hoo :(
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